Riding Life’s Wave. Designed for Combat, Obsessed with Creation.
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Age 25, Dude

Ridin’ Life’s Wave


Floatin' in Space

Joined on 6/7/19

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A Late, Third Anniversary Update and a Request (Edited W/ Post Script)

Posted by CyberneticShotokan - July 26th, 2022

So yeah, it's a Beautiful Tuesday Afternoon here on July 26 of 2022. And since I'm Busy with Projects and finding the Fuckin' Piece I was gonna Post soon (Be Careful With Physical Art Kids, Store It Properly And Safely), along with Realizing and Reflecting on the 3rd Anniversary a Week or so ago; I've been doing Exactly That: Continued Work and Reflection while Living my IRL Life in Tandem.

So with all that Said, here's some Plans and Thoughts that's been Brewing for a bit now. I'd Like to Ask that my Followers, and Anyone else who happens to Read This to let me Know your Opinion.

#1: Currently in the process of Finalizing the Redesign for my Harpy Character Amber. It's been a bit Tough since I've decided to Revert to a more Traditional Harpy Form, so I've been Teaching myself that and after a bit of Turmoil, I'm gettin' Hang of it. Expect Her in the Near Future: No More Teasing ;)

#2: Feel Free To Message Me, but Know it might take a while to Respond. I Like leaving the Comments/Quips, but I'd Love some actual Discussion. I've been trying to Cool It a tad so I'm not Constantly Appearing in the Bell Box, but I just Love Talkin'. About Art and just In General. And who knows, maybe I'll start Interacting More Directly in the Future through a Discord-Type Hub or in a Game. Maybe Stream. I've always have a Easier Time with more Personal Interaction opposed to Online, but even then I've been Improving in that Regard.

#3: Project-Palooza! Been Cooking Up a Whole Lot of New Stuff as I've Mentioned in the Past; but I've been Sorting and Storing Art from the past few Years, going back to 2016 (Six Years, Geez)! So not only do I have a lot of New Stuff to Share, I've been Itchin' to Revive some Older Concepts; and now that my Works gettin' Reorganized I can Efficiently Go Back and Get That Started. If you thought I've had a lot of Plans before, ya ain't seen Nothin' yet!

#4: And Lastly, on a more Serious Note. These Last 3 Years have been the Best and Worst of my Life. Been Gettin' a lot Done and a lot of Good Times in both my IRL and Creative Life, Bore Witness to just how Fucked my Country can be as well as the Industries and Communities I enjoy, had Great Times with Family and Friends while Losing some Very Loved Ones too, and had Great Little Talks with Artists on here and Twitter and YouTube while also gettin' a Taste of Internet Insanity. While it's been Absolutely Agonizing at points, while being my Best Life in others. And as Corny and Phony as this may sound: you guys have been a Huge Part of it. One of my Goals in Life is too Create Things/Situations that can Entertain and make ya Feel, that Real Art Shit. And I've Done in it Small but Meaningful Ways. As well as Talk to some Incredible Artists of All Kinds, even if I Need to be Reminded I Appreciated All the Interactions So Far. On Rare Occasions I even Re-Read all of them just to Remember I've made People Happy, Horny, Laughy, and even Comforted. I Barely Know Most of you, but that doesn't Change that I'm So Glad I've been able to Start these Small Little Connections. I've Made Mistakes. Been Too Dogged with my Enthusiasm, I Fear I May have Driven an Artist Away that I really Admired do to that Newbie Syndrome I Had Hardcore for a while. But I Love Listening to the Perspectives of different People, Especially Creatives. I Have Major Goals Of Course, but my Love of People, Fun and Creation is a Big Motivator to my Art and Writing. Don't get me Wrong, I have some Real Goddamn Problems with Peeps like Everybody does but I'd rather not get in a Text-Wall Beef War. I Love People but I Try not to let that Blind Me to how Shit we can be as a Species. I'd rather Make Love (Giggitty), Not War. And I want my Art to Facilitate that Shit. Ya'll Already Know My Tastes Range from Highly Innocent to Vastly Depraved, I'm a Man who Craves the Spice of Life: Variety. And Creativity is One of the Best Ways to Taste That.

To Wrap this all up; Thank You. Everyone who's Interacted with me. Beginning this Journey has been One of the Best Things I've Ever Decided to Work On. And I Hope to Do this as Long as I Physically Can. Keep Improving as an Artist and a Human in General while bringing Joy and Catharsis to any I can. I Need to Do More, but with Everything I've Done. I've made Every bit of Experience from my Life have some Tangible Impact on the Lives of others in a Positive Way with my Creativity. No matter how Small that Impact actually is, it's what I've Wanted my Entire Life. I have many People to Thank; from Family and Friends to those who've Inspired me. Teachers, Doctors, Strangers who've shared Fun Times, and the same goes to Everyone I've had a Chance to Talk Shop with in my Creative Career so far. Thank You.

And with that, Watch your Ass and Have a Good One.

P.S.: I just felt like Adding This because this Update kinda felt Incomplete to me. While all stated beforehand is True, I Do Feel it's a Little Sugar-Coated. I've been Very Grateful for my Small-scale Success with my Work and Words, and I'm Very Lucky to be in the Position I'm in. Truth be Told for any Aspiring Artist who may Read This: The Art World is an Industry of Whimsy and Creativity sure. But I'm Sure I don't need to be the One who Tells you that this can be a Hellish and Dangerous Career Choice. I Feel my First 3 Years are a Great Example of the Positives and Negatives both being an Active Artist in the Community can do. You can meet many New People from across the Globe, gain some Tangible Examples of your Artistic Endeavors Resonating with people, and even make a Positive Ripple (Whether Big Or Small) across the Web of Connections we all share. But. This Career Path can also be Hell for your Psyche. As an Independent Artist especially you MUST remain Vigilant and keep your Head On Straight, it's VERY EASY to get a Big Head when you get some Notoriety. But staying Confident without being Conceited is just the First Lesson to Internalized. The Second being The Art Industry and Community has some Deep-Seated Corruption, from the Big Time Corporate Scandals to Small Scale Treachery. You must Keep yourself aware of this without letting the Sheer Quantity of the Strife happening each day Destroy your Psyche. And to Wrap this all up in a Nice Conclusion: Stay Living, Stay Loving, but Remain Vigilant. Life can be Amazing, Terrible, and Random. And while it's only a Small Bit sometimes, you can always Influence it toward a Better Direction.

Ray Out.


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