B&W Character Pieces: $25 My Style, $50 Style Recreation (To My Best Abilities)
B&W Background/Environmental Pieces: $30 MS, $60 Recreation
B&W Combined Pieces: $35 MS, $75 Recreation
Colored Character Pieces: $30 MS, $55 Recreation
Colored Background Pieces: $35 MS, $65 Recreation
Colored Combined: $45 MS, $75 Recreation
*For $5 Extra I’ll Send The OG/Physical Piece To You When I Get The Option To
Rules of Engagement:
While I’m pretty open to draw whatever, I ask for the subject before we agree in case I’m not comfortable with it.
If you’re under 18, I won’t make anything with Nudity for you. And will keep Underdressed Art (Like Swimsuit Stuff) tasteful. I’m also gonna refrain from any Insulting/Callout Pieces unless we’re close. Even then I’m hesitant.
Even if multiple orders are placed from a Single Person, I’m not letting an order go above $400; unless it’ll be a Multi-Month Commitment.
I ask for at least a month to complete an order. I’ll also be taking 10-15 Gigs per Comm Grind. Up to 3 per person. If 4 Slots are taken by 3 People, or 3 Slots by 4; I’ll eliminate the remaining 2.
Sooooo yeah, pretty simple. It doesn’t really take into account material costs or shipping. But this simplicity is why I’m looking for Feedback, especially from those experienced with Commissions. Both Ordering and Making ‘em.
You know; having a whole year of Unfinished WIPs, Emotionally Driven Rants, then posting Commission Plans isn’t the best look.