Riding Life’s Wave. Designed for Combat, Obsessed with Creation.
Open to DMs, Casual and Business.
Beware of Content, Made by me or Otherwise.
Main Account: Newgrounds.
Secondary: @CyberneticShot1 (Twitter)
YouTube: Shoto Studios (No Content)

Age 25, Dude

Ridin’ Life’s Wave


Floatin' in Space

Joined on 6/7/19

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Future Plans & An Update

Posted by CyberneticShotokan - 2 hours ago


So I’m just Copying the other update post verbatim after this little preamble. Because Plans haven’t changed, tho the Execution may have slightly. So I recently got my First Art Ban here, fitting it’s here given it’s the First Art Page I’ve ever made. I think it’s absolutely Bullshit just because I used the term “Lolitober” those pieces got removed here when that part of Newgrounds’s TOS has been being broken since I was a kid and is broken constantly. But at the same time I don’t particularly feel like losing my First Art Page contesting it much. Though again it being so disregarded by and unregulated towards much Bigger Artists makes it pretty hard to know what’s pushing it. That Line In The TOS Sounds So Patronizing Too But I Digress. I’ve respected this place since I was little but this is Annoying as Hell, so some Art I make might not show up here. Twitter’s recent BS has also got me hesitant to post Art that at the moment. So along with my DeviantArt (TheDevilmansDen) I’ll be looking into more sites that won’t put obnoxious Barriers to my Art. Got enough of those dealing with my Disability. I did just Finish a Piece that’ll test the TOS again, and I’m not too mad since it’s a fairly light ban. Just disappointed at how Stupid it is and annoyed at it messing with my Inktober Count. Anyway all that aside, plans haven’t really changed like I said; so here’s the Previous (Actual) News Post for anyone interested. I’ll also post in the Comments of this/Make Edits to add Info/Updates when needed. See ya’ll soon.

Alrighty let’s get a new Information News Post front and center. Gonna be much like the previous list, just with more Updated Info and some New Additions. Let’s-a Go!

Edgy Art Arc: Fully Kicking Off In Earnest Now. This will be an Annual Thing from now on from September-October. With some exceptions, these Two Months will be dedicated to Celebrating the Creepy. From Small Spooks, Cutesy Creeps, and Despicable Degenerates. Just going all out on Horror and Edge in varying Measures.

The Fog’s Finest. DbD Killer/Survivor Portraits: I’ve started this, but plan to restart it to keep it all on the same or a similar canvas.

Reign of Darkstalkers: An Art Series where I plan to draw both every Playable Character, and every Lore-Relevant Character in the Darkstalkers Series. I’ve begun this Series, but much like The Fog’s Finest I might restart this Series soon. I like that Morrigan Drawing but feel I can give it a better start.

Finishing Art Explosion: I’ve supplemented this with many New, Complete Drawings. But I also plan to take some time out soon to complete WIPs of Previous Years.

Getting Shit in Order: Waiting for a response to get a DMV Appointment, after that (Or Possibly Before) I’m also gonna try to get the Go Ahead to actually start working for Cash (An Insane Ballache To Negotiate As A Disabled Person On Disability). As well as upgrading my Internet for both Livestreaming and uploading any Large Art Project Quickly. After all this I’ll really not have anything getting in the way aside from Unforeseen Bullshitery of getting stuff done without having Life trying to peel my dick.

Extracurricular Creativity: I don’t like being confined by One Tone, Style, or Medium. And have actively been trying to branch out my Tools and Subject Matter more. Things I’d like to do Semi-Regularly are Livestreaming, Voice Work, Animation, Written Work, Music, and pretty much any Creative or Entertainment Medium I have an interest in.

Some Extra Bits & Bobbles: Experience, Learn About, and Write About More Media. Study Languages, Sciences, Cultures, Maths, and Religions. Increase Computer Literacy. Study Currency Conversion for Commissions. Make A VTuber Model. Work On Original Fiction Again. Write Short Stories. Write/Create Horror 

Now for a Big List of the Types of Illustrations I’m interested in working on. I tend to always go by the seat of my pants, creating whatever strikes me in the Moment. But here’s the Type of Stuff I’m interested in working on.

  • Nintendo Art
  • Capcom Art
  • SEGA Art
  • PlayStation Art
  • Xbox Art
  • Memorial Art for Fallen Inspirations
  • Horror Art
  • Lewd Art
  • Abstract Art
  • Background/Scenic Art
  • Nature/Animal Art
  • Monster Art
  • Anime Art
  • Western Cartoon Art
  • Furry Art
  • MLP Art
  • TF2/Valve Art
  • VTuber Art
  • Fighting Game Art
  • Loli Art
  • Tentacle Hentai Art
  • Eroguro Art
  • Various Fetish Art
  • OC Art
  • Digital Art
  • 3D Art
  • Pencil & Paper Art
  • Pixel Art
  • Clay Art
  • Filmic/Photography Art
  • Animation
  • Music
  • Tattoo
  • Graphic Design 
  • Art Made in dreams 
  • VR Art
  • Material Rendering 
  • Cosplay 
  • Fanart for Indie Projects 
  • Mario Art
  • Kirby Art
  • Zelda Art
  • Splatoon Art
  • Street Fighter Art
  • Darkstalkers Art
  • Skullgirls Art
  • Guilty Gear Art
  • Megaman Art
  • Dragon Ball/Akira Toriyama Art
  • Go Nagai Art
  • Atsushi Kubo Art
  • Super Hero Art
  • Horror Comic Art
  • TRIGGER/Gainax Art
  • Adult Swim Art
  • Family Guy Art
  • Futurama Art
  • Simpsons Art
  • American Dad Art
  • King of the Hill Art
  • Bob’s Burgers Art
  • ATHF Art
  • Cartoon Network Art
  • Nickelodeon Art
  • South Park Art
  • Creepypasta/SCP Art
  • Art of Anything Inspiring Me
  • Comic Art

So yeah, that’s pretty much it for Update. If you want to hear from me more regularly look for Devilman Shotokan on Twitter. But I will be making more of an effort to appear here again. Like before, until I make something to replace this News Post I’ll write Updates/Whatever in the Comments of this. I’m also going to be making a Discord sometime this week to make Communication a bit easier. And underneath I’ll post a link to the previous Project List that includes links to other News Posts that should inform you to what I’m about. This Year’s been about getting back on track after the last few of the 2020’s were Hectic as Hell. And aside from setbacks here and there it’s been successful on that front. I’m feeling much better Mentally as well which has helped with productivity immensely. It’s been a Crazy Five Years, Highest Highs and Lowest Lows. But I finally feel like I’m where I should be after 2020 broke my brain. And it feels Good.

Anyway that’s enough outta me, Thanks for Reading if you have. Enjoy yourselves out there, but watch your Ass too.


Edit: This is a Repost made 10 Days later. So here’s some Extra Information.

After this weekend I’ll have nothing major planned until Christmas Time. And I’ve gotten some Important Things settled, so until sometime Next Year I’ll just be going back and forth between working on Art to working on Winter Prep. Along with spending more time away from Creative Work to just kinda spend time with Loved Ones and Exist. I’ve been working my Ass off since 2019 on Art and Real Life stuff. This year has been about getting back on track after 2020 really fucked with my mind for Years. But, with it being Fall now, it’s been more than a Year since I’ve felt a sense of Stability and Peace again. Even with some rough shit happening in my personal life and stuff I’ve seen from the wider world. I’m interested in a lot of Things, Art and Otherwise. So I try to keep up with as many going’s ons as I’m interested in and can stomach. I see people hurting all the time, and hear a lot of people who’ve been hurt. It really, really gets to me at times. But. I do see a lot of Strangers helping eachother out, even trying to talk through difficult things. It’s a Big Part of why I’m interested in VTubing, because as many Dramas as I see in the Sphere of it I also see a Powerful Way to build bridges and connect with Humanity. That’s also a big reason why I’m an Artist. I like Creating for the Sake of it. But I’d also like to make Art that can be Cathartic, Reassuring, or just bring out a Giggle or a Nut. Used to be a Class Clown because I am intimately familiar with Physical and Emotional Pain that will always return, but know it can be overpowered temporarily by the Joys, Understanding, Enchantment, and Empathetic Catharsis Humans can offer eachother. Even Art or Conversation meant to draw out one’s Shadows and Negativity to face it in a controlled, safe manner.

All that to say, despite everything, I am glad I’ve made it to this point. And am close to being the kind of Artist I’ve always wanted. All that’s left is to Improve my Skill, gain more Experience/Knowledge to draw from, and start pulling my weight more Financially for my Loved Ones. And for me. All that nearly being ready to solve sometime Next Year. That. And trying to connect more with Humans. I Love People. But they terrify me. It’s never to a debilitating point, in fact I tend to thrive around Strangers. But it’s smart to always be on guard to an extent. The only problem there being the exhaustion it can bring. Everyone’s Psychological Dials are set differently and subject to change. Adaptability is Key to most things honestly, but Humans especially.

But at this point I’m rambling. I hope to make Art and Experience as much of Life for as long as my body lets me. I’ve got a ton more I want on both fronts. I hope to end this Life having contributed more than I’ve exhausted. But like with my Art, just want to do it for the sake of it. Despite what my mind says at times.

Anyway sorry to get so emotional there. Just had some time to really reflect lately even before the Trip. I don’t really feel like I’m scrambling for purpose anymore, but I’m still not sure how to deal with that. But sometimes training in the Field’s the best of all.

Stay Safe and Enjoy Yourselves Folks




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