Ban should be up Today, tho I still can’t upload Art yet so it’ll likely be later in the Day. I’ll add Art I’ve made in the Ban’s Duration ASAP. Also I’ll be making a News Post soon to serve as an Artist Introduction for Newcomers in the Future. I’ll try to keep it up as the Featured Post, but add it to the Bottom of any Future Post when not replacing it with the Featured. Just a reminder I will be slowing down with Artistic Output a bit during the Winter, but that’s just to Focus Efforts elsewhere like with Winter Chores and the like. I’ve been making New Socials/Art Pages too that I’ll link in the Future. I Love Newgrounds, but that ban was absolute Nonsense and I’m drawing whatever I want. While I constantly see that rule getting me a Ban ignored here, it’s better to make Alts to put anything I think will alert any BS Mod. I’d rather not lose my First Ever Art Social, ya know? It’s why I’ve not really contested the Ban aside from Bitching a bit. Anyway Have A Good One Folks!