So, I have two weeks to make some very life-altering decisions. That’ll affect the next decade and how much Time & Freedom I have for everything. Everything. That’s at least until I turn 35-36 being decided in less than 14 days.
So needless to say, I won’t be around much.
Frankly it’s really weighing on my mind right now. And I have so, so much to consider.
It’s times like these I really wish I wasn’t disabled. So that wouldn’t be a huge factor along with the dozens of others swirling around my head.
But at the same time, being disabled does give me the luxury of time to think on important things without too much flippancy. Even if my mind currently feels at deadlock.
Maybe God does exist.
Anyway. Guess I just came back to say I’ll be gone even longer. Take care.
Previous Update + Artist Introduction: https://cyberneticshotokan.newgrounds.com/news/post/1518213