Skelcromancer is Bestmancer
Skelcromancer is Bestmancer
Hey Vicky, I Appreciate the Elaborate Garb ya’ve put on for the Occasion. But maybe next time just Inform the Client the Task is done? I Feel Like That’s Common Sense.
Of Course, unless this Fear of yours is nothing more than Veiled Anticipation~
Really Dig how ya’ve Rendered the Hair. Makes it all look Super Cool!
I don’t know which to be Jealous of:
The Tentacles
The Girls
Or The Patrons
All of the Above I Guess~
Now that’s Math I can Get Behind~
I’d Work on the Tommy Gun Harv’s got because (To Me) it looks a little Underdetailed next to Victor’s Freeze Ray but that doesn’t change the Fact that ya made ‘em look Cool.
Oh my god I accidentally did an Ice Pun.
Funny but also kinda Painful-Looking not gonna lie
Yes Artists. Keep Manifesting Summer Through Your Art.
I wanna get more Swimming in…
(Sick Stuff btw)
(GODDAMN I DIDN’T SEE THE OTHER ONE BEFORE, HOO! Ya Can’t Pull A Gun On Me Like That! Sorry To Edit Without Necessity But This Was Too Funny Not To)
Now I’m Motivated!
This Mid-Action Framing is Awesome! A Great Use of Foreshortening on our Lovely Li’l Subject and a Nice Background as well! Frankly I wouldn’t Mind seeing ya Draw some Standard Landscapes in your Style, I Find Your Backgrounds to usually be Just as Engaging to Look At as your Characters Themselves! (Well Not “Engaging” In The Same Way As The Characters But You Know What I Mean)
Riding Life’s Wave. Designed for Combat, Obsessed with Creation.
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Main Account: Newgrounds.
Secondary: @CyberneticShot1 (Twitter)
YouTube: Shoto Studios (No Content)
Age 25, Dude
Ridin’ Life’s Wave
Floatin' in Space
Joined on 6/7/19