Got a Real Indian Vibe Radiatin' of This. Nice Work!
Got a Real Indian Vibe Radiatin' of This. Nice Work!
This Looks Like a Cyberpunk Crank Yankers and I Love It!! Stylish Stuff!
Truly Shakespearean~
Goddamn Your Style's Slick as Fuck! Everything's Set in Place and there's No Excess, Just a Cute, Elegant Design. The Smug Aura and Title Gives the Character a Light "Vega Vibe", without Bein' a Psychotic Spanish Ninja
How'd They Make Their Little Bugger So Precious!? They Did Such a Good Job Turnin' This Around, I'm Genuinely Excited For The Movie Now! Feels Good to Have Some Hope as a Sonic Fan Again. This Piece is Adorable as Hell BTW, Ya Captured This Variant's Spirit Well!
"If I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me they'd lock me up "
Smells Like Teen Weebery
For Real Though, Cool Stuff! The Eyes are My Favorite Part!
Thanks. The mouth is mine.
This Truly Is Cool as Fuck, but Now I've Got a Question. Would Cum Count as a Organic Component? It's Basically "Life Syrup" So...?
Either Way This Page is Great For Character Development! Nicely Done!
Someone's Channeling Dante's "Gunslinger" Style, and is Lookin' Good in the Process!! Ya Know, I Say She's Channeling Dante; but This Pose Honestly is More Reminiscent of Bayonetta
Riding Life’s Wave. Designed for Combat, Obsessed with Creation.
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Age 25, Dude
Ridin’ Life’s Wave
Floatin' in Space
Joined on 6/7/19