A Clear Example of My Reformed Feelings on Spiders. It's Nice not having Arachnophobia anymore, so I can Appreciate these Cute Little Guys. Nice Art, it Really Warmed Up My Heart
A Clear Example of My Reformed Feelings on Spiders. It's Nice not having Arachnophobia anymore, so I can Appreciate these Cute Little Guys. Nice Art, it Really Warmed Up My Heart
oh dang! it means alot that it did that for you! happy to hear that! :) thanks for the super kind words! <3
Goddamn Dude, I Like My Artstyle; but Honestly I'm Jealous of how you Consistently put out Stylish-Ass Art like this!! Your Color Choices are Perfect, the Posing's Slick as Fuck, and Each Piece you Produce has a Unique Flair all it's own! Well Done!
Best YouTube Analysis Video. Period.
An Anime Can Dream...Can't She? Cute Stuff, Everything in this is So Well Balanced! And she's got a lotta Personality...for someone Artificial. Man, I Wonder if in the Context of the Game's Meta that Fan Art like this would count as Cloning to an Entity like Monika. Either way, Nice artwork!
Damn, Must've Taken Ya Years to be able to Develop an Aesthetic as Amazing as this. Excellent Work!
Masterful Work. Your Backgrounds are always an Incredible Treat to Witness whenever they Appear, and they're always so Packed with Detail. I Suck at Drawing 'Em, but I can always appreciate a Well Done Example of One.
Thanks a lot ! :)
Christ Dude, the amount of Skill on Display here is Insane!! Love the Sci-Fi/Horror Aesthetic you've got going on here. Nice Work!
Goddamn Dude. How do you just Crank Out Art like this?! If it's wiser to Build Speed First, then Technique; Your Skills must've come together at like Age 8 or Something. Anyway, Great Shit as Always Dude!
I Love how as Time has gone by, Your Art's become More and More Fucked Up while remaining as Stylish as Always. Now's the Perfect Month for it, so Go Crazy!
Riding Life’s Wave. Designed for Combat, Obsessed with Creation.
Open to DMs, Casual and Business.
Beware of Content, Made by me or Otherwise.
Main Account: Newgrounds.
Secondary: @CyberneticShot1 (Twitter)
YouTube: Shoto Studios (No Content)
Age 25, Dude
Ridin’ Life’s Wave
Floatin' in Space
Joined on 6/7/19