Step inside, Observe Planes and Realms that Boggle the Mind, that Intrigue the Imagination. Realms that can’t Exist, but do
Step inside, Observe Planes and Realms that Boggle the Mind, that Intrigue the Imagination. Realms that can’t Exist, but do
The Colors in this piece are Superb. It’s Vibrant without making the Eyes Bleed, she rests well against the Plain Background. And the Rainbow Outline is a Great Touch, really adds the Jolly Playful Vibe the Title goes for
Demon Pirate Darby
Damn Man, why ya gotta draw her Thicc with Big MILF Energy? She’s Too Powerful! She’s got the Best Ass in the Magic Kingdom, including Captain America. And that’s America’s Ass! You’re handling Weapons-Grade Thicc MILF B O O T Y, gotta be careful
You see, they’re in Contrasting Colors. It Symbolizes the Divide these Two Share being Two Sides of the Same Coin that are different Shades of Gray because the Duality of Ma Dictates That-
Seriously though, Cute Pic!
Damn, I almost wish this was the Official Style. It’s such a Charming Look. It’s like how the Series currently looks but Way More Expressive
Larryboy Bestboy. He Wins. Change my Mind
Dude she looks So Cool!! Feels like a few different inspirations made this Design. Personally I’m seeing a little Megaman Zero in the Outfit
Dude this Animation is so Slick! I really like here Design too, great Color Coordination and her Adorable-Ass Tail! Not to mention another part of her Tail-End~
This is Good Eye Candy and All, but man this is also a Legitimately Beautiful Piece. Like I ain’t trying to Blow Smoke Up Your Ass, but I feel like this is Work that coulda Easily be displayed in a Museum. It’s so enthralling, there’s that Early Morning Stillness to it while still feeling like a Living Environment. And the Main Subject of the piece gives it a feeling of Introspection. A hint of Sadness, but mostly Reflection
Riding Life’s Wave. Designed for Combat, Obsessed with Creation.
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Secondary: @CyberneticShot1 (Twitter)
YouTube: Shoto Studios (No Content)
Age 25, Dude
Ridin’ Life’s Wave
Floatin' in Space
Joined on 6/7/19