Rest in Peace, Little Chicken, It's Been a Bash.
Seriously Though, I'mma Be a bit Bummed to See This Series End After Tomorrow. It Was a Great Thing While It Lasted. I'd Say Good Luck Next Time, but I'm Pretty Sure we both Know Ya Don't Need Luck.
Rest in Peace, Little Chicken, It's Been a Bash.
Seriously Though, I'mma Be a bit Bummed to See This Series End After Tomorrow. It Was a Great Thing While It Lasted. I'd Say Good Luck Next Time, but I'm Pretty Sure we both Know Ya Don't Need Luck.
After the "Anon Incident", Daisy Began Using the Phrase "Hi, I'm Daisy!!" Less and Less...
Awesome Art Dude! It's Another Example of the Perfect Combination of "Cutesyness" and Eroticism that I Crave Endlessly. Well Done!
Nice Design Dude! Ya Capture The Show's Spirit Excellently!! And My God, the B O O T Y!!!~~
Incidentally, I Love How Enid's Technically a Hellspawn, since She's the Child of a Vampire and Werewolf. Thanks for the Reminder! I Probably Wouldn't Have Thought of it if I Didn't See This!
Did Somebody Say D A R K S T A L K E R S? Because I Miss Them!...Dearly...Ever So Dearly...Capcom Please Revive 'Em Like Ya Did With DMC...
Anyway Stylish Stuff! She's a Cutie and a Hottie at the Same Time! A Potent Fuckin' Combination~
Hassy Made the Perfect Comment. There's Not Much to Say Beyond That, Your Consistency is Downright Remarkable!
Holy Shit, This is So Beautiful, and Badass at the Same Time!! Guess That's Robin in a Nutshell, Just Wish I Knew More 'Bout Her. I Gotta Catch Up with One Piece as Soon as Possible. Anyway, Stylish as Usual!
Damn, This is Beautiful; but the Lack of Any Sign of Life Besides the Skull Makes It a bit Melancholic. Or Maybe it's More the Feelin' of Flames Slowly Dyin' Down After a Person Gets Enraged. Either Way, It's Stylish!
Thanks very much!
Cactus Chopper Chick? Yeah, Sounds Like My Kinda Party~
Cool Design! I Could See Her as the Main Character of a Desert-Themed Monster-Of-The-Week Story, Where She Acts as the Sheriff to a Town Lacking One and Rides a Bike Instead of a Horse. Feel Free to Steal That Idea, Your Design Inspired It.
I'm the Scrub Here Who Ain't in the Know 'Bout This Character. But I Can Identify Good Art When I See It! And Damn if I Ain't Seein' It. The Color Choices, Framing, and Just Her Overall Design Gives This Work a Sense of Class yet Approachability at the Same Time.
I Would've Loved a Action Figure of a Cool-Ass Character Like This! Reminds Me of a Few I Had as a Kid Already, Slick Design Dude!
Your right on the mark, i was trying to give off that masters of the universe action figure vibe like the ones i played with as a kid. Im super happy that came across :) thanks
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Age 25, Dude
Ridin’ Life’s Wave
Floatin' in Space
Joined on 6/7/19