Damn, This Piece is Serene. Ya've Done a Beautiful Job Here, Dude! Your Style kinda Reminds Me of the One They Used in Titan A.E, but More Refined. Stylish Stuff!
Damn, This Piece is Serene. Ya've Done a Beautiful Job Here, Dude! Your Style kinda Reminds Me of the One They Used in Titan A.E, but More Refined. Stylish Stuff!
Oh, thank U so much! I really appreciate positive feedback!
Chad R.O.B
At First I Thought She was Ridin' on a Metal Slug, but I'm Mistaken. Still Cool Though, not to mention Hot~
This Looks 80's as Fuck and I Love It. He's about to Kick Major Ass then Bust Out a Guitar Solo!
Simple but Stylish, Nice Work!
Looks Like the Main Character of a Platformer! More of a SEGA Character than a Nintendo One as well! Nice Stuff!
Thank you so much... This isn't gonna be his final design, but this is Kinda an idea on how I'm wanting Synn to look.
And Just Like That I Wish it was Summer Again; 'Cause She Looks Like a Benevolent Punk, Walking 'Round the Beach and Streets on Her Daily Haunt; Roughin' Up Cutthroats or Hangin' at the Arcade. Like a Young Kiryu on Vacation. Cool Stuff!!
It Looks Like if TRIGGER Made a TMNT Adaptation, and Now I Wanna See That. Although What I've Seen of the New TMNT Cartoon's Action is a Huge Reminder of Some TRIGGER Cuts. Anyway, Stylish Stuff!
Whaaat? Did a New Pokemon get Banned Already!? That's a Shame...I Love This Design...
The PokeDex got leaked, more or less older Pokemon were gone
Unfortunately only 3 of mine got in which made me disappointed :(
Riding Life’s Wave. Designed for Combat, Obsessed with Creation.
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Age 25, Dude
Ridin’ Life’s Wave
Floatin' in Space
Joined on 6/7/19