The Title of This Episode is, "big boys" Alternatively Titled "yare yare boys"
Nice Stuff, Ya Did a Nice Job of Condensing Some Pretty Complex Designs while still Stayin' True to 'Em!
The Title of This Episode is, "big boys" Alternatively Titled "yare yare boys"
Nice Stuff, Ya Did a Nice Job of Condensing Some Pretty Complex Designs while still Stayin' True to 'Em!
This Design's Great! She Looks Like a Whimsical Soul Who's Down For Anything that may Sound Fun! Plus, She'd Be Fun as Hell to Play As in a Game. Either a Platformer, or even as a Fighting Game Character. She's Got Quite a Bit of Potential!
EDIT: That's Friggin' Hilarious, Know I Sound Like a Jackass! Sorry Dude, Major Fuckin' Goof on my Part.
thats a guy my guy
Holy Shit...The Image is Spooky...But That DESCRIPTION...Uuggh, That Shit Sounds Truly Horrific. I Like How it's a Slight Critique of the Danger of Hard Drugs, like the Really Gross Stuff. Hearing Some of those Stories wouldn't be Very Far Off if some of the Repercussions IRL were Escalated just by a Touch. What I'm Saying is Nice Art Dude, the Description was Just as Essential as the Art Itself. Well Done!
Come On, Don't Nerf the Fit Fido; Look How Determined to Wreck the Tier-Lists She Is!
But in all Seriousness, This is One of My Favorites! Sometimes I Feel Like the Musculature is a bit Much on some of Your More "Loli-Esque" Designs, but I Feel Like Ya Nailed It Here! Well Done!
Well, This is Horrifyingly Cute. I was gonna Make a "Chonk" Joke, but I'd Rather Not Be Eaten. She Wears It Well Anyway, and it's Refreshing to See a Bigger Character Drawn Accurately to Real Life, while Still Bein' Stylish and Tasteful in it's Humor. Plus Your..."Detail Drawing"? "Effects-Art"?...Fuck It, the Blood You Drew Looks Awesome! I Notice You're Really Goody at Using the Details to Add More to the Character, and the Drawing Itself
This is Cool as Hell! That Alternate Costume is a Really Inventive Design for a Dress, and using Double's Story Mode Peacock Color is a Nice Touch!
Welp, This is gonna Turn Into a "Happy Ending" for Someone. But I'm Guessing it's not gonna be for Decima or Her Friend Here. Nice Layout for the Page! Not Very Flashy, but it Showcases Your Fine-Ass Artwork Well! And the Last Two Panels are a Nice Little Trick of Framing
thanks for review!
God, the First Generation to Drive These Cars probably would get Dizzy Fast. But Anyway, Cool Shit! It Can Be Hard for a Artist to Showcase Velocity in a Drawing, But Ya Took Down That Beast Too!
Thank you! I'm glad I got the idea across, I had to work really fast on this one
That's One Lucky-Ass Pumpkin...Quite Literally in this Case~
Sexy Stuff! I Love the Whole Aesthetic of This Piece, so it's a bit Hard to Pinpoint a Highlight To Be Honest. I Guess in a Technical Sense, the Coloring and Posing are My Favorite Bits. Though I Could Be Obvious and Say, "It's a Cute Witch Bot Giving an Assjob to a Pumpkin's Lucky Stem. What Else Needs to be Said?". Ya Know What, Screw It I'm Going With That.
Thanks a lot my dude
I Really Hope Misfit Mansion will Become a Comic Series, but These Guys Will Be Remembered Fondly. Nice Work Faust, Your Talent's Truly Admirable.
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Age 25, Dude
Ridin’ Life’s Wave
Floatin' in Space
Joined on 6/7/19