I Recognize Her, but I Ain't Sure Why. I Don't Think I've Seen Her Series Before, Unless I'm Just Forgetting. Anyway, This is Beautiful! She May Be Bored, but Her Presence is Enough to Entertain My Creativity!...And to a Lesser Extent, My Lust~
I Recognize Her, but I Ain't Sure Why. I Don't Think I've Seen Her Series Before, Unless I'm Just Forgetting. Anyway, This is Beautiful! She May Be Bored, but Her Presence is Enough to Entertain My Creativity!...And to a Lesser Extent, My Lust~
It's Titania, a boss character from FFXIV
Nicely Done! It's an Outfit That Fits the Character Design Beautifully. Doesn't Distract with Too Much Flash, or Take Away with a Lackluster Design. I Guess What I'm Sayin' is This Would Be a Sick Alternate Costume to Unlock In-Game! Maybe After Beatin' It On a Harder Difficulty or However It's Done in DMC. Still Workin' on Unlockin' Those. Anyway, Stylish Stuff!! I Also Love the "Model Viewer" Vibe This Piece Gives Off. Feels Like I'm in the Game's Gallery Section...If It Had One.
Thanks! I've been trying to keep Azumi's designs minimalist, so she still reads well and doesn't get too bogged down into superfluous detail
Looks Like Two Pages in a Photo Album, is That the Intent? If Not, it's a Happy Accident!
Anyway, Nice Stuff! I've Got a Habit of Sayin' This Now, but Thanks for the Cool Reminder! I Gotta Catch Up with the Series Again.
not exactly lol I just wanted to use the same kind of framing for both so they would match a little. you are right though, it does look like a photo album lol.
Thanks alot btw super glad you liked it! <3
This Shouldn't be a Concern, There's Much Lewder Stuff in the Games and They're Still T. Anyway, On to My Actual Statement.
B O O T Y I S M A X I M U M ! ! ! ~
That Is All.
Cute or Lewd both good Shantae ;)
This is Fuckin' Fantastic!! I Would've Loved This On a Poster as a Kid, Hell I'd Love One as a Adult! That Aside, Excellent Work! This Radiates Passion with Every Line!
You're in luck because you can buy it as a poster in my art shop. 😉
And So It Begins...Train Well Birdie, Ya Gonna Need It.
I'm Not Sure Where the Crow Aesthetic Came From, but I'm Glad This Inspiration's Struck Ya! These Last Few Pieces Have Been Awesome, and has Made Me Notice a Pattern. Many Artists as of Late are Making OCs Based Off of Flying Creatures. It's Been Moths Mostly, but the Rest Have Been Almost Exclusively Birds. With the Occasional Pegasus. Your Crow Warrior Here Bein' the Latest Example. I'm Find It Fascinating, The Collective Conscious Seems to Desire Flight At The Moment...Or Freedom...Truly Fascinating. Anyway, Nice Stuff! Your Work Radiates the Nobility FromSoft Imbues in the Bosses of the Soul Series. Well Done! If That Wasn't Your Intent, it's a Happy Accident.
Thank you so much! That’s such a lovely and encouraging compliment. I’ve honestly always loved crows and wanted to make a crow character of some kind for a long time. I’ve noticed that a lot of artists are drawing wingless bird characters; l guess it’s a new artistic trend. My character is a demon hunter in a world where God and the angels have abandoned mankind, and malevolent demons now rule and terrorize the land. Kind of similar to Vampire Hunter D and the anime Angel’s Egg by Mamoru Oshii. I’m looking forward to Christmas break from school so l can work on the story and character designs a bit more. I have enough story content planned out for a short 20-30 page comic so far.
Love It. That is All.
Thanks! Over and out.
Leave It to Sakurai to Create a Wave of Horny Thirst Among the Gaming Public. Nintendo In General Been Real Good at Doing That Lately...And I Ain't Complaining One Bit!~~~
Thanks for the Continued Feeding of Dark Desires, Your Work's Well Appreciated~
thank you very much! :D
"If I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me they'd lock me up "
Smells Like Teen Weebery
For Real Though, Cool Stuff! The Eyes are My Favorite Part!
Thanks. The mouth is mine.
Riding Life’s Wave. Designed for Combat, Obsessed with Creation.
Open to DMs, Casual and Business.
Beware of Content, Made by me or Otherwise.
Main Account: Newgrounds.
Secondary: @CyberneticShot1 (Twitter)
YouTube: Shoto Studios (No Content)
Age 25, Dude
Ridin’ Life’s Wave
Floatin' in Space
Joined on 6/7/19