Riding Life’s Wave. Designed for Combat, Obsessed with Creation.
Open to DMs, Casual and Business.
Beware of Content, Made by me or Otherwise.
Main Account: Newgrounds.
Secondary: @CyberneticShot1 (Twitter)
YouTube: Shoto Studios (No Content)
Age 25, Dude
Ridin’ Life’s Wave
Floatin' in Space
Joined on 6/7/19
Posted by CyberneticShotokan - August 30th, 2022
Listen Up Fellas, This One’s Important.
First Off: No Changes In Plans. All the Projects I’ve Announced are happening still. It’s just been a Matter of Preparation and Honing my Skill to a Point I Feel it’s Ready. However my Methods and Priorities are Shifting.
It seems the Cost of how I’ve Performed in my Career is really bearing it’s Fangs. Some of you may know I’ve been Losing a few of my Animals these Past Few Years. Me and my Family have Rescued/Fostered many Animals. And they have all had Good Quality of Life. But having One who was Suffering from Seizures and Living Right Next to a Main Road in Redneck Country, it’s Bound to End in Tragedy at Times. That and Losing my Grandfather Last Year, my Hearts been Shredded. I’m Extremely Lucky to have such a Strong-Willed and Supportive Family in Times like this. and with the Damn Near Daily Tragedies you hear going down in the Art World; I Need Time to Live. I know my Fans so far have Demanded nothing from me, even when I Don’t Fufill a Promise. And I really Appreciate that despite how Little we seem to Interact. But I’ll have to Renegotiate a bit.
For about the Next Year, Expect Any Work of mine to just Release when it’s Ready. I Found my Lost Piece and have Nearly Finished It. I’ve got a few more Pieces just about Done Cooking too, I Never Half-Ass My Work. And like I said, Expect more Extreme/Erotic Art too (Once I’m Satisfied With My Abilities). But I’m gonna be Spending a lot more Time with Family/Friends IRL. I’m also gonna do another Analysis of my Time here, do a Detailed Rundown of how I Think I’m Doing. Also to Refamiliarize myself with all of You Guys: My Fans and Everyone Else I’ve Interacted with. It’s Hard to Recall Everything when I’m Learning a bunch of Shit, and Settling a lot of Other Shit. It’s like Life’s saying, “Hey Fuckface, if you’re gonna get Far in Life; I’m gonna Give you an Unending Flame to Temper yourself”.
The Time I’ve Spent Here has been So Fulfilling. I’ve gotten to Goals I thought would take me Decades in an Extraordinary Amount of Time, but it Cost me Time with Family. And that Duality Fuckin’ Burns. It Really Burns. But all the Time Spent has been Enriching, so I just gotta Appreciate It. Make more Memories and Motivation (Shout Out To Okumura And The Gang, Your Tracks Heal My Soul).
So as well as an Update to my Plans for Ya’ll to Read, consider this as a sort of Cautionary Tale. Take Time for You and Yours as you Strive for Success. It’ll be a Healthy Boon in both Areas when you can find Balance. Have a Good One.
(P.S: Unless I Feel The Need To Update You All Further This’ll Be My Last News Post Until The End Of Fall, If Not This Year. That’s The Primary Purpose Of These Posts. To Inform/Archive My Current Situation For Anyone Interested)
Ray the CyberneticShotokan Out.
Posted by CyberneticShotokan - July 26th, 2022
So yeah, it's a Beautiful Tuesday Afternoon here on July 26 of 2022. And since I'm Busy with Projects and finding the Fuckin' Piece I was gonna Post soon (Be Careful With Physical Art Kids, Store It Properly And Safely), along with Realizing and Reflecting on the 3rd Anniversary a Week or so ago; I've been doing Exactly That: Continued Work and Reflection while Living my IRL Life in Tandem.
So with all that Said, here's some Plans and Thoughts that's been Brewing for a bit now. I'd Like to Ask that my Followers, and Anyone else who happens to Read This to let me Know your Opinion.
#1: Currently in the process of Finalizing the Redesign for my Harpy Character Amber. It's been a bit Tough since I've decided to Revert to a more Traditional Harpy Form, so I've been Teaching myself that and after a bit of Turmoil, I'm gettin' Hang of it. Expect Her in the Near Future: No More Teasing ;)
#2: Feel Free To Message Me, but Know it might take a while to Respond. I Like leaving the Comments/Quips, but I'd Love some actual Discussion. I've been trying to Cool It a tad so I'm not Constantly Appearing in the Bell Box, but I just Love Talkin'. About Art and just In General. And who knows, maybe I'll start Interacting More Directly in the Future through a Discord-Type Hub or in a Game. Maybe Stream. I've always have a Easier Time with more Personal Interaction opposed to Online, but even then I've been Improving in that Regard.
#3: Project-Palooza! Been Cooking Up a Whole Lot of New Stuff as I've Mentioned in the Past; but I've been Sorting and Storing Art from the past few Years, going back to 2016 (Six Years, Geez)! So not only do I have a lot of New Stuff to Share, I've been Itchin' to Revive some Older Concepts; and now that my Works gettin' Reorganized I can Efficiently Go Back and Get That Started. If you thought I've had a lot of Plans before, ya ain't seen Nothin' yet!
#4: And Lastly, on a more Serious Note. These Last 3 Years have been the Best and Worst of my Life. Been Gettin' a lot Done and a lot of Good Times in both my IRL and Creative Life, Bore Witness to just how Fucked my Country can be as well as the Industries and Communities I enjoy, had Great Times with Family and Friends while Losing some Very Loved Ones too, and had Great Little Talks with Artists on here and Twitter and YouTube while also gettin' a Taste of Internet Insanity. While it's been Absolutely Agonizing at points, while being my Best Life in others. And as Corny and Phony as this may sound: you guys have been a Huge Part of it. One of my Goals in Life is too Create Things/Situations that can Entertain and make ya Feel, that Real Art Shit. And I've Done in it Small but Meaningful Ways. As well as Talk to some Incredible Artists of All Kinds, even if I Need to be Reminded I Appreciated All the Interactions So Far. On Rare Occasions I even Re-Read all of them just to Remember I've made People Happy, Horny, Laughy, and even Comforted. I Barely Know Most of you, but that doesn't Change that I'm So Glad I've been able to Start these Small Little Connections. I've Made Mistakes. Been Too Dogged with my Enthusiasm, I Fear I May have Driven an Artist Away that I really Admired do to that Newbie Syndrome I Had Hardcore for a while. But I Love Listening to the Perspectives of different People, Especially Creatives. I Have Major Goals Of Course, but my Love of People, Fun and Creation is a Big Motivator to my Art and Writing. Don't get me Wrong, I have some Real Goddamn Problems with Peeps like Everybody does but I'd rather not get in a Text-Wall Beef War. I Love People but I Try not to let that Blind Me to how Shit we can be as a Species. I'd rather Make Love (Giggitty), Not War. And I want my Art to Facilitate that Shit. Ya'll Already Know My Tastes Range from Highly Innocent to Vastly Depraved, I'm a Man who Craves the Spice of Life: Variety. And Creativity is One of the Best Ways to Taste That.
To Wrap this all up; Thank You. Everyone who's Interacted with me. Beginning this Journey has been One of the Best Things I've Ever Decided to Work On. And I Hope to Do this as Long as I Physically Can. Keep Improving as an Artist and a Human in General while bringing Joy and Catharsis to any I can. I Need to Do More, but with Everything I've Done. I've made Every bit of Experience from my Life have some Tangible Impact on the Lives of others in a Positive Way with my Creativity. No matter how Small that Impact actually is, it's what I've Wanted my Entire Life. I have many People to Thank; from Family and Friends to those who've Inspired me. Teachers, Doctors, Strangers who've shared Fun Times, and the same goes to Everyone I've had a Chance to Talk Shop with in my Creative Career so far. Thank You.
And with that, Watch your Ass and Have a Good One.
P.S.: I just felt like Adding This because this Update kinda felt Incomplete to me. While all stated beforehand is True, I Do Feel it's a Little Sugar-Coated. I've been Very Grateful for my Small-scale Success with my Work and Words, and I'm Very Lucky to be in the Position I'm in. Truth be Told for any Aspiring Artist who may Read This: The Art World is an Industry of Whimsy and Creativity sure. But I'm Sure I don't need to be the One who Tells you that this can be a Hellish and Dangerous Career Choice. I Feel my First 3 Years are a Great Example of the Positives and Negatives both being an Active Artist in the Community can do. You can meet many New People from across the Globe, gain some Tangible Examples of your Artistic Endeavors Resonating with people, and even make a Positive Ripple (Whether Big Or Small) across the Web of Connections we all share. But. This Career Path can also be Hell for your Psyche. As an Independent Artist especially you MUST remain Vigilant and keep your Head On Straight, it's VERY EASY to get a Big Head when you get some Notoriety. But staying Confident without being Conceited is just the First Lesson to Internalized. The Second being The Art Industry and Community has some Deep-Seated Corruption, from the Big Time Corporate Scandals to Small Scale Treachery. You must Keep yourself aware of this without letting the Sheer Quantity of the Strife happening each day Destroy your Psyche. And to Wrap this all up in a Nice Conclusion: Stay Living, Stay Loving, but Remain Vigilant. Life can be Amazing, Terrible, and Random. And while it's only a Small Bit sometimes, you can always Influence it toward a Better Direction.
Ray Out.
Posted by CyberneticShotokan - May 14th, 2022
So yeah basically been Sick for about a Week and a Half, Thankfully Not with COVID but still wasn't Fun. And during that Time I've been mulling over my Plans/Projects, and have decided to make some Changes here and there as to what I'll be Working On for the Time being.
So to get the Big One outta the way, since it's felt like the News Cycle hasn't ended since the Latest Movie's been announced/released and I'd like to get more Acquainted with the Genre; I've decided to Postpone my Retrospective of the Scream Franchise until the release of Scream 6 next year. Sorry to disappoint on that front, I was actually planning to have it out by April at the Latest but as I've been Working/Studying for the Project I felt it'd be better to release it when not in any Major News Cycle for the Series. That being said I haven't stopped Research at all, and have been coming to a lot of Interesting Conclusions. I'm really Excited to hear the Opinions of not only the Scream Fans, but the Horror Fandom in general. I feel like my Opinion lines up in some ways, and really Deviates in others. I can't wait for the potential Shitstorm this'll cause, because people got REAL Passionate over 5cream. And I'm the Type of Weirdo who ended up Hating that while Loving the likes of Halloween Kills.
In other Shotokan News, I'm going on a Art Supply run here pretty quick so expect a lot of New Art on here pretty soon. I've actually Finished the Line Art on a Newer Piece and I'm FUCKIN' PROUD AS FUCK of it. Like seriously I Love It, I'll be posting that Piece soon. I've got some Redesigns and Reintroductions of Characters that are Long Overdue. And I feel like I've been getting enough stuff done as of Late to feel Comfortable spending time leaving Comments/Appraisals on the Art of others on here again, so that'll be a Ton of Fun. Like I said before, Communicating with Fellow Artists has always been One of the Best Parts of my time as a Public Artist. I've Dearly Missed It. And have left little Crumbs of my Presence here and there across the Web. A lot of Bullshit's been going on in the Entertainment Industry as of Late, and it's been making me rather Depressed. But as long as I have my Family with me, and see the Good even in the Bigger Parts of the Industry I can be a Happy Artist. And after getting some Firsthand Experience with Prestigious Individuals at a recent Convention I attended, I can rest easier knowing how Down to Earth and Honest a lot of the Bigger Creatives can be. Really makes the Assholes out there stick out like a Sore Thumb. And Oddly enough, gettin' reminders of the Duality within the Creative/Entertainment Industry has been a Nice Reminder to remain Vigilant while still Opening your Heart to others.
So yeah in general, Plans have Changed Slightly but honestly not by Too Much and I've Recovered not only from Illness but from a Lack of Motivation. Hope to be Hearing from ya'll soon, Stay Safe out there and despite how Fucked a lot of Things still out there try to Hold On. You can do a lot more Good than you know, I Speak from Experience on that one.
Ray the Shotokan Out
Posted by CyberneticShotokan - April 19th, 2022
Everything's Pretty Good on my end, but the Research for the Scream Project is taking a bit Longer than expected. But it's been going at a Steady Pace and I'm Feeling Good about the current version of the Script. As for Drawings, I'm a bit Busy atm in my Daily Life to find the Time. But I've still been Sharpening my Skills when I get the Chance. I'll try to Post something soon, but April and May are always Busy for me. I've been Cooking Up the Execution of the other Projects as well, so despite having a lot of Business IRL and doing other Shit I do in my Life I've been getting a lot of Background Work Done. I've also been Talking with different Peeps mostly on YouTube mainly because I'm on there a lot for Work, however even though I'd Really Like to continue the Exploration of Experiences I like to do by Chatting; especially the Convos that share some Insight on a particular Subject or Project I'm Interested In. Especially with the Scream Project; and talk to a lot of you guys on here (I Always Miss It And Appreciate That Convos), I'm going to take a break from Interacting Online to really Focus on stuff I need to get Done.
So In Short: Everything's Peachy, but I'm Busy As Hell. Plans are still in Place, but might take a bit Longer to be Materialized.
I'm Planning to get a lot Accomplished this Year, in my Personal Life and Artistic Endeavors alike. Expect at least a few Big Things coming from the Shotokan's Workshop, mostly on Newgrounds but in other places as well; as soon as I Find One that really Entrances Me with it's Capabilities. Newgrounds still seems like the Perfect Place for someone like me, especially 'cause I've known this Joint since I was a Kid. Expect something in the Future on here soon besides an Update, I'll let ya Ponder what it could be. Have a Good One, Stay Safe, and Do Whatever Good Ya Can In These Times. Love Ya Fuckers!
(Oh And One Last Thing. Haven't Started Nothing For 'Em Yet. But It's Time I Start Work On Revising and Reviving some Old Characters. And Introduce Some New Faces...)
Posted by CyberneticShotokan - March 17th, 2022
Still Working on my big Project, along with a few Art Pieces coming up; but I wanted to Post a more Formal Schedule for anyone Curious. And to say how Shockingly Surprised Still at how many Views some of my Art has gotten. Whether it’s ya guys Checking Them a whole lotta Times or New Eyes Gazing on that Shit, Thanks People!
Alright Here’s The Work-Related Part
Artist Appraisal: A Series of Blogs/Documents on Artists in Various Mediums that have Inspired me in a wide variety of Ways. I’d like to go for my usual approach to Writing, aside from my little Emphasis Gimmick I Do Here. As Standard as Grammar and Syntax to be; for it to be Easier to Read and to Refamiliarize Myself with standard Writing Techniques again. But anyway, I’d Like to approach this as Honestly as Possible for each Artist/Celebrity/Creative I Cover. And that brings up the Issue of how to Go About This. Do I just Report on it myself without any Input from them? Ask Them? It’s Easy to reach some, Hard for others. I’d Like to Respect their Boundaries/Privacy, but having a Public Impact as a Creative entails Curiosity of your Interests/Intentions as One. And ya know, Freedom of Speech/Press. So it’ll be a While before I debut one of This on here, and any other Site I put them on. Gotta think on my Plan here for a bit, but if it goes well one should Debut This Year. See ya then, Fuckmotherers!
Text-Wall Reviews: Long-Ass, possibly really Esoteric Reviews on whatever the Fuck I’ve been Playing, Watching, Jamming To, Reading, and possibly even More; depending on what I Cook Up in my Head for these Reviews. These, unlike the more Formal Works will retain my usual Style. And they’ll also be a Lot More of a Biased/Personal Piece (Even Though The Formal Pieces Will Still Be Pretty Personal Perspective-Wise). From the most Innocent of Mass-Appeal Media, to the most Depraved Works I’ve come across in my Artistic Endeavors. That means No Holds Barred on the Subject Matter if I gotta make it Clear. Of Course, I will Warn Ya before I go into anything really Fucked. I like Twisted Shit, but I’d rather not Force Someone to Experience Something that is just Utterly Uncomfortable Unwillingly. These will be Guided Tours of the Mindwaves that these Pieces of Media cause to Ripple. I’d Expect These to come out pretty soon, and again they can be Found Here and Wherever Elise I decide to Post ‘Em. Still looking into Sites that really grab my Interest to put Written Work on. These'll also either be Short or Vast, depending on how much I can Analyze and Discuss about each topic. And also, like with all of my Work, Feel Free to Share Your Opinions on it, Don’t Hold Back~
Untitled Scream Project: Been Alluding to this Particular Project for a bit know, and have been Studying the Shit out of not only the Scream Franchise/Wes and Kevin’s Careers, but the entire Horror Genre in General due to my Revived Interest in the Artform. This is gonna be the Big One. Been Studying All That, People’s Opinions, The Industry, and the Impact along with the Consequences of the Success of Scream. I have a Borderline Unhealthy Love for this Series, so I want this to be as Detailed as possible. All the Lore, All the Developments, All the Strife. With Ghostface’s Return and the Shadow of their Shroud Looming Once Again. I Feel Compelled To Decipher the Whole Picture of an Important Piece of my Life since Childhood. I’ve watched All the Official Media, Played as Mr. Johnson for a Huge Portion of my time with Dead by Daylight, had Hands-On Experience with a bunch of Merch (Even With A Super Fucking Awesome Animatronic), and have been Cooking Up some Pieces Starring a few members of the Ghostface Lineage; and a few others. Prepare to Scream, My Lovely Audience~
Revivals Of Old Characters: It’s what it says on the Tin, gonna go back to some of my OCs (Those Debuted And Not). Some for Fun, Others for More. Not too much to Say Here honestly.
Hentai, Hentai Everywhere: Schlongs, Tarts, Tits, Booties~ Been Sharpening my Skills, so expect a lot more Lewd Work on this Page in the Near Future. Feel Free to Ignore, or Enjoy~
Gory Horror Stories: More Horror Works in the Near Future as well. From Body Horror, Psychological, Slasher, Tortureporn, Eroguro, Art of Phobia and Fear. Wanna take a lot of the Darkness in my Heart and Manifest it into things that can Inspire Enjoyment, Catharsis, Pleasure, and Closure. From Art to Stories, Works to Invoke Intrigue. I’ll have Content Warning for sure, but be Ready for some truly Fucked Shit if I decide to Delve Deep in Humanity’s Shadow. Feel Free not to Explore these if you’d rather not, I’ve got a lot of Stuff Cooking in my Creative Stew. Lotta Flavor
And Much More…
I’m Ready to get to the Grind and really get my Work Off The Ground. Offer my Wares/Skills when I’ve Proven My Worth, find ways to get the Cssh Money in a way I’m Comfortable with; I ain’t out here Working My Ass Off without Selling Out just to go around Rippin’ People Off. with that, I’ma be Studying a lot of different Creators’ Approaches to Monetization. Even Contribute to other’s Projects in Major Ways when again, I Feel I’ve shown my Worth as an Artist to that Level. Though that could still take a bit of Time, so don’t expect E-Begging anytime soon. Just Thinking On It. I’ve Really Enjoyed My Creative Career up to this Point, despite the Time and Energy it takes; I Really Feel Close to the Purpose I’ve been seeking, and that’s Made Me Very Happy. Talking to various Creators, Seeing my Skills Improve as a Illustrator and Writer Immensely, All the Incredible Art I’ve Experienced in Various Corners of the Internet. Look, at the time of Writing, Earth is in One Fucked Up Situation in a lot of ways; like, Way Too Many to List Here. We’re likely facing the Dawn of a Third World War, People are Scared for Them and Their Own. A lot of Creatives on Every Wave of that Spectrum are getting Paranoid and Militant against eachother and we’re getting a Good Taste of just how Fucking Evil and Clueless The Entertainment Industry at large can be. So all the Advice I can give is Stay Strong, Prep and Protect, and give as much Support as you can while keeping you and yours Afloat. Please Stay Safe, Do Your Best, and Appreciate Any Good while trying to Work Through The Bad in your Life. May any Higher Power with our Best Interests in Mind please let This Conflict go as Smoothly for Humanity as Possible. Please, for the Last Time. I Hope Anyone Reading This Can Stay Strong And Safe Out There, And Keep Your Loved Ones Close And Protected. Good Luck and Godspeed
Posted by CyberneticShotokan - March 7th, 2022
Sup Newgrounds? It's your favorite Perverted Wordsmith, The Cybernetic Shotokan! I wanted to make a Updated Version of my Schedule for this year's work; and felt like sharing my Thoughts after looking back on my Time here. I'll start off with my Plans.
. Reviews On All Types Of Media I Enjoy
. Big Written Projects (One Currently Being Cooked)
. Edgier Artwork, From Porn to Horror (And All In-Between)
. More Varied Pieces In General
. Artist Appraisal: A Series Where I Reviews Creators Of Different Mediums and What Intrigues/Inspires Me From Them
. Short Stories, One-Offs, and Other Stories
. Future Projects To Be Announced
I've been putting Mad Work in on a Big Analysis Piece, but I won't reveal anything Major from it until I'm Ready to Release. Though I'll leave ya a Big Hint to what it's about in the Form of a Question.
What's your favorite Scary Movie?
Now on to other News. I've got some New Art Pieces about to debut, I'm guessing a few days after this Post, and other ones to get Started afterwards; however I'd like to lay out my Thought Process of the last few Months for those who're Wondering what I've been up to. Before I started Writing this I read through all my Notifications since being on here, Reflecting on my Time here and how I've been doing as a Creative. It was Very Nostalgic, and it made me realize that while I definitely needed the Time/Distance I took from being Active; I've been being a little Too Hard on myself. Yeah I kinda ran around the Joint like a Happy/Horny Puppy in my Early Days, and as a Result got a little Obsessive with Interaction on here; sometimes to a Frankly Ridiculous Level, I wasn't becoming as much of a Nuisance as I thought I was becoming. That being said, I do feel there's many Artists on here that I need to Catch Up with. It feels a bit Neglectful since some of ya'll are now Fans of mine who I've talked to since the Beginning of my Run. Sure a lot of it was me being Busy IRL, this leading me to not take as much Time to Appreciate All the Awesome Work you guys do. My Life is a Hectic but Happy One as of Late, a lot of Things Changing and more Responsibilities to take on, as while as Hardships rearing their Heads whenever they think we're Vulnerable. I'm very Blessed in a lot of ways, Cursed in others; but Life ain't nothing without Hardship. It's a Strange Headspace I've been in as of Late; I'm Very Appreciative of a lot of Things Happening in my Personal Life, for Artists I Root For, and for my Family/Friends. But also Very Disheartened by others; the Suffering of aforementioned Artists, the Fuckin' Bizarre State of the Entertainment Industry that I've got my Sights Set On, Putin and his Dogs causing their Victims and Countrymen to Suffer for Idiotic Reasons, and IRL Bullshit in my Life that doesn't need sharing for the Time Being. This feels like a Catchphrase of mine at this Point: but it's been the Highest Highs and the Lowest Lows. But I can say that I'm in a much Healthier State of Mind than I was when I needed my Break, though just as Existential. Now that I feel like I've got a better Handle of Myself, I'm Really Excited to get my Gears going again for this Site! Get Reconnected with a lot of You's Guys again, Post some Written Work on here again, participate in the Community Events, and basically get back to where I was at. I'm gonna be Pretty Damn Busy, Creatively and Otherwise, but I'll try my Best to keep ya'll up to Speed.
Before I Wrap This One Up, I wanna leave ya'll with a Question; Feel Free to Answer or Not. What's a Piece of Art/Media that's been a Big Source of Copium for Ya'll? I've got a Ton of Answers I could put, but definitely a Major One as of January 2021 has been MF DOOM's Music. Absolutely Transcendent Tracks, from a Transcendent Master of the Hip Hop World. I Hope Your Soul's Gone To Heaven, your Rhymes will Inspire Generations to Come.
With that all done, Have a Good One you Sexy Motherfuckers. Stay Strong. Be Kind. Stand Proud.
Posted by CyberneticShotokan - December 17th, 2021
(Edited 'Cause One Part Came Off As Pretty Rude When I Didn't Mean That At All Here) So I'm currently Busy with some Christmas Projects and two more Pieces for this Year, one Christmas-Related the other not. But it's been Nice getting my Art Shit going in Earnest, as well as Interacting with some New and Old Faces. Honestly that's One of the Biggest Benefits I get outta this Newgrounds thing. I Really Love talking to People, and that's only Bolstered when Art's the Subject. I've spent a Lot of Time Studying and Practicing my Arts/Mediums, and while I've got Family and Friends IRL who I Love Dearly; I've been Dying to get out and meet People. That's One of the Best Things 'bout Life, as Corny as it is to Say; seeing all the Different Flavors Humanity Comes In. However, as I've written before in Previous News Posts; that Desire to share Interactions with Fellow Artists around the World started becoming Corrupted into an Easy Form of Praise and Escapism (By Easy Praise, I Meant That I Know A Lot Of Artists Who I Feel Put More Creative Work In Than I Do, I'm Sorry If That Sounded Conceited) Now by that I'm not saying I don't appreciate all the Kindness showed to me or that it was "Easy to Impress 'Em" or anything Douchey like that. But I was spending Way Too Much Time Writing Comments instead of actually proving Worthy of the Attention. So when Life started demanding more of my Time and Mental Health, I knew if I continued at that Rate I'd become nothing but a Nuisance. In Fact, if anyone has a Problem with me or feels like I'm getting Too Close please feel free to Message Me. I'm Only Looking for Fun and Artistic Knowledge/Fulfillment on here. I'm afraid I may have Driven some away from the Site and even Art in General with my Antics back then, especially considering my Mental Health was Strained from Tragedy within my Life and in the World at Large. All of this is to say that I'm hoping this is the Start of a Healthier Relationship with my Work Life and this Site in general. I'm just another Artist Hungry for Interaction and Personal Growth with others. I've got Plans but at the End of the Day I'm just looking to have Fun, Learn Stuff, and maybe even provide for me and mine through my Abilities as an Artist someday. And after seeing how truly Vile the Industries surrounding the Mediums I Love are shaping out to be, even just on a Surface Level; Newgrounds is the Best Place for a lot of Us. So with All of That outta the way, allow me to Share My Plans for 2022 with you.
- At Least Two Pieces Of Art Uploaded Each Month
- More Fully-Colored Pieces
- Reviews Of Media I've Consumed
- More Graphic, Edgy Art
- (If Everything Goes To Plan) Animation!?
- Personal Review Commissions
- Artist Recommendations
I need to start getting this Page adourned with my Work. So starting Next Month, I'ma try to get Two Complete Works uploaded each month. I could probably Strive for more but I'm trying not to make Too Big of Promises. I'm also gonna make sure at least One per Month is Fully Colored too. On top of that, I'm gonna be letting my Darker Interests flourish a bit more in my Work so Be Warned. Though for most who'll read this that won't be an Issue. I'm also gonna be practicing my Writing, both Analytical and Creative, a lot again. So as an Extra Incentive to Motivate me I'm gonna do Dedicated Reviews on pieces again; and once I feel like I've Earned It I'll offer my Services as a Reviewer as Paid Commissions. But honestly don't expect me to ask about Commissions for a Good While. However I follow a LOT of Creatives, so I'd like to write Recommendations on 'em to Pay Forward the Kindness shown to me; from Up and Comers to Well Respected Giants, anyone I'm Interested In is On the Table unless they Object. Especially with a lot of You out there it'll give me a Chance to Familiarize myself with Artists more and in turn learn more about Humanity. Plus, maybe this'll lead to some Interesting Conversation from myself and the Interviewed. Which yes, I will ask anyone I'm Working On if they want Input on the Project. Though I'll have to Consider this one for a bit before I start that. And finally I'd really like to Start Animating again, but I'm gonna need Time to get the Tools again. And a Program that'll actually let me Upload for Free unlike my Last One. Hopefully that'll be Settled Sooner rather than Later.
Aaaaaaand that'll do it for this News Post. I'd like to Finish This by saying Thanks for the Hospitality Newgrounds. I'm Hoping that the Revival I knew was gonna Happen keeps on Trucking, and that this Beautiful Goddamn Website Sticks Around Forever. Seriously people at Newgrounds HQ, Ascend to Cybernetic Bodies and become the Immortal Keepers of Everything by Everyone you're all meant to be. It's Great to be Back in Action!
Posted by CyberneticShotokan - December 13th, 2021
So yeah, I’ve got some Legit Posts, and a lot of Concept Pieces sometimes. Currently Drawing A New Piece, but I felt as if I needed to do another Update. One More Reflective of where I’m at.
First of all yeah, I’m Officially dedicating Time to being Online again. I’ve got the Time now, and am honestly in a better headspace. So Hell Yeah, it’s Cool to be Back!
Second, I’ve got a lot of Projects in mind, Some getting ready to be Complete; others still in the Planning Phase. One that’s been Shown is a Line I’d like to call “The UNFINISHED”. Pieces that haven’t been Finished for various reasons, but have a New Light as Little Explorations of my Creative Process for the Work, and a Recollection of what was going on around the Time to Halt Progress. Some are Simple, Others are Complex; but I Love Discussing The Process and Analyzing what I can. I invite anyone to share their Thoughts, not just on those, but All my Work. Feel Free to approach my Work in whatever Measure you want, even just Checking It Out without any Input. I’m Really Eager to hear as much from as many as I can, It’ll be a Great Exercise in Curiosity.
Third, I’d like to start writing Reviews again, as well as share my thoughts on various Pieces again. Although I’m not going to spend All My Time on that, like I had quickly begun to Before. I’m currently finding a Balance to that, as well as looking into Websites to put Reviews On in a Dedicated Manner, I’m not sure my News Feed is the Best Place for those, the I still like the DMC5 one on here.
And Finally, I’m gonna Keep Up with not just my NG, but any Art Venue I frequent a lot better then I have been. My Twitter especially gets Ignored and despite the Site’s Rep, that ain’t Fair. So I’m gonna Wrap Up by saying Happy Holidays Newgrounds! Hope you all stay safe out there because Goddamn Shit may be more Bonkers than before, it’s Real Scary out there for Everyone, let alone Artists at the moment. Keep You and Yours Safe to the Best of Your Abilities. It’ll get Worse before it changes I bet, but Things Will Improve.
Posted by CyberneticShotokan - November 4th, 2021
Hello everyone, it's me; the Cybernetic Shotokan. The previous News Post was a lot like the Older Ones I had a habit of making, a Ramblily Wall of Emotional Text where I'd explain what I've been doing while processing the Various Emotions in each circumstance. I used to feel Incredibly Guilty about posting plans for my Art only to Vent about my Life, and it's a feeling that's still trying to Tug at me a lot. But, as should've been Obvious to me from the start, the only one who's been putting pressure on me is myself.
I'm just about Ready to actively return to the Art World. I've got some projects I wanna finish first, and IRL Obligations shall always take precedent over Newgrounds, but I'm back in my Groove after a Year of Trials and I've missed all of this greatly. The Beautiful Art of All Kinds, the Interactions of Varied People from Various Backgrounds, the Hentai. All of it. I like Entertaining and Interaction, always have, and I can't wait to start in earnest again. For now I'm going to leave some plans I've got for the future of my content and some of the Obligations that've stopped me from spending time here. No Huge Promises. But Plans for the Future.
1. Finishing Up Some More Work As I Type. As soon as I'm satisfied with how many I've got, I'm going to Post All of My Year's Work. Including Unfinished Art.
2. I Shall Start Posting Work That Goes Unfinished. Whether it's a Torn Layer, a Shit Color Job, or just something that falls into obscurity; I've done a Ton of Drawings that I'd like Archived in some way, I Promise not to Submit these to the Art Portal.
3. Reviews, Comments, and Appraisal. I really enjoy both consuming Analysis of Various Media, and Analyzing Various Media. So on top of going back to Commenting and Critiquing the Art that Intrigues me once again. I'm gonna start writing Dedicated Analyses and Pieces on whatever I feel I have stuff to say about. As an Illustrator/Writer who spends a ton of time studying Animation and Game Design, these will be what I have some Knowhow on. Game Design being the only one I haven't done, technically. I Love Talking Shop, and frankly I just miss talking with a lot of ya. Anytime I can make someone laugh or say something to encourage them is a Great Time to me, especially fellow creatives.
4. Real Life Comes Before All. As much as I love drowning in Art/Fiction, I also enjoy the Responsibility I've had in recently owning a New Home. But part of that is also getting a lot of Adult Life Things taken care of. Cleaning and Moving In, Taking Care of my Animals. Helping my family out and visiting them. Bills, Studying for my GED and making time to practice Driving again. Visiting Extended Family When Possible. Long Story Short, IRL comes First. And I've been short on Time lately due to unexpected Farces that comes with living life. I really want to spend more time working though, and will be soon.
5. A Glimpse Of The Future. I already said I've got plans to start doing written pieces again, and I really like where my Art's been heading lately. Now that I'm confident in my Creative Chops, I'm ready to start getting some Old Plans into motion again. But there's much to do before I begin saying anything about those plans, aside from this: Don't be Surprised if I start introducing some new faces in my pieces, maybe even a Setting or Two...
So that's a Wrap folks. This Year. Ho-Holy Shit This Goddamn, Cock Sucking, Cum Chugging, Ass Ripping, Tit Slapping Fuckin' Year tried doing a number on me and my own. All Jokes Asides, it was One of the Worst I've faced with them. But, there was still a lot of Good Times and Vibes, and I've seen a lot of Good come from the Creative Community. So it's about time I caught up. And about time I give myself an easier moniker than a literal description of "me"
Good Luck out there Folks,
Sincerely, Ray