Aaaaawwwwww omfg this is Soooooo Cuuuute!
The Background is very pretty as well, you did a really good job on the Grass especially. And made good use of Focus Blurring.
I hope they enjoy the Gift, because it’s Lovely!
I started focus blurring like this few months ago, thanks! It's fun to do though a little difficult
If this is done with Real Paint, then it is Highly Impressive. It’d still be impressive either way, but capturing the Light in a Stylish but Natural way with Paint is Incredible
its digital. I don't have the funds or space to traditionally paint
God now his little chant’s gonna be stuck in my Head now for a bit
Good, it was in mine the entire time drawing him!
Love It, So Peaceful
Quite Peaceful indeed! ^_^
Bit of a Horror Vibe to it, Nicely Done~
Thank You Very Much. 😁👌
God-Tier Title
This needs to be a Cartoon, very 90’s Adult Animation in its Vibe. Charming as Hell
Thank you very much. 😁
Despite 'Adult Animation' animation style you was mention, this series is supposed to be all-age or family-friendly, everybody can enjoy it. 😉
Thank you Pumpkins~
Thank you for bringing these cute & beautiful damsel girls. 😁
Happy Halloween man! This Shit’s Badass!
Appreciate it CyberneticShotokan! Happy Halloween! 💀
Riding Life’s Wave. Designed for Combat, Obsessed with Creation.
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Age 25, Dude
Ridin’ Life’s Wave
Floatin' in Space
Joined on 6/7/19